Is Your Lawn Care Business Ready To Take On Employees?

If you run your own lawn care business and you build it up successfully enough, the chances are good that you will eventually come up against a lack of time.  It’s a good position to be in to find that you don’t have time to fit all your clients in and you are never short of work.  But on the other hand it means you could miss out on taking on some new clients – and that could mean letting them go to your competition instead.

This is the point where you need to seriously consider the idea of taking on one or more new employees.  But it’s not just a case of taking on one person full time.  You need to sit down and take a long hard look at your business to see exactly when and where you need the help.

Some major lawn care operations have several full time employees working for them.  But the chances are you won’t have to launch into having lots of people working for you right from the start like this.  Instead you will probably find you have slightly more work than you can handle, which one employee would suffice to cope with, at least for starters.

Remember that to begin with you will have your new employee working with you, as you will want to see how good they are and train them on various aspects of your business.  If it’s just you in the business and you take on a couple of people at the same time, you’ll need to find the time to train them both.  You can see why slowly but surely is the best route forward here can’t you?

You could also benefit from taking someone on part time to begin with instead of full time.  It all depends on your workload but if you don’t always have enough work yet for two people you will end up paying someone a full time wage when you don’t have enough work for them to do.  This is why you should sit down and plan ahead before taking anyone on, so you can ascertain when you need them and what the best move is.

There is no doubt that bringing new employees on board is by far the best move if you want to get the best from your business.  For instance there is only so much you can earn as one worker when you are tending people’s lawns full time. The only way you can earn more money beyond that is to focus on bringing new people on board.

Let’s say for example you earn $500 a day and a full time worker would cost you $150 a day (just for example).  This would mean you could earn an additional $350 for your business – and you – without putting any additional hours in.  This is why expanding your lawn care business is such a good idea – but only when you are ready for it.

Interested in starting a Lawn Care Business? Click here to learn more about our Lawn Care Business Guide.

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20 Responses to “Is Your Lawn Care Business Ready To Take On Employees?”
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