Lawn Mower Maintenance 101

If you have a good batch of clients you will constantly be getting your lawn mower out of the truck to use it during the summer.  It’s quite conceivable that you could go from house to house and mow half a dozen lawns in a single day.

You can see then that keeping your lawn mower in excellent condition is extremely important.  If you don’t you won’t get as much mileage out of it in the long run – and in the short run it could break down and render you unable to serve your clients.  That’s not exactly the best image to present to them is it?

So let’s explore how you should take good care of your lawn mower.  If your lawn mower runs on gas you’ll need to make sure that gas is fresh.  Your gas should never be more than around a month old, although if you are cutting lawns every single day you may find you are filling it up more often than that anyway.  It’s worth bearing in mind if you are just getting started with your lawn care business though, or in the quieter months when mowing isn’t as essential as it is in the summer.

Keeping it clean is another simple piece of advice that can easily get forgotten.  When you have mowed a lawn make sure you get rid of all the grass that is stuck to it.  Keep a stiff brush handy for this purpose and make it part of your personal mowing kit.  Besides anything else, leaving all that grass hanging around will make it more likely you will leave a trail from lawn to truck!

You should also check all the nuts and bolts frequently to make sure nothing has worked loose.  Some websites will tell you that you only need to do this every spring, before you start using your lawn mower again.  But if you are running a business you’ll be getting far more use out of your lawn mower than normal home owners would be.  This means you need to check it a lot more often.

Spark plugs should typically be replaced once they have seen a hundred hours of action.  Work out how long you use your mower for on a daily basis and then figure out how often you should change it.  Keep a fresh supply of spark plugs handy so you never get caught out.

Don’t forget the blades either!  If you want to cut your clients’ lawns to the best effect, you’ll need sharp blades to do it with.  The more experienced you get at mowing lawns the easier you will find it to gauge when those blades need sharpening.

As you can tell you may need to allocate some time at the start of your day to attend to some of these tasks.  You won’t need to do everything every day, but a little maintenance every now and then will help to keep your lawn care business – and your lawn mower – running smoothly

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30 Responses to “Lawn Mower Maintenance 101”
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